Curricular Intership - Buddy Bank Service Model

Stage, Tirocinio
Sistemi Informativi - IT
Assicurativo - Bancario - Finanziario
Area funzionale: Retail Banking Products

Sede: Milano / Verona 
Modalità: Full-time
Contratto: Stage / Stage curriculare

We are offering to the most brilliant student a 6-months internship experience in the area of buddy UniCredit.
In this position you will be part of our team ”buddy Service Model” which is in charge of ensuring that highly digital UniCredit customers part of the “buddy segment” are served by digital processes fully exploiting the opportunities offered by automation and mobile interaction.
Buddy UniCredit is offering best in class customer interaction fully based on messaging: customers engage our remote branch personnel 24x7 and are served by a combination of human interactions as well as automated ones supported by bots.

Main tasks/activities: 

You will actively support the team in the:

  • Analysis of massive historic conversations by applying advanced natural language models in order to identify most common conversation topics and their evolution over time, profile users and identify next-best-actions
  • Real time Integration of bots with NLP models in order to provide automatic replies to customer requests or route conversations matching intents and skills


  • Being a University student attending a Bachelor or a Master in Data Science
  • Strong interest in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Knowledge of JS, Python and modern software development toolkits
  • Excellent academic records
  • Fluency in English
  • Confident with Microsoft Office Package
  • Full-time availability
  • Learning agility, outstanding team working and communication skills, analytical mindset.

What we offre:

We offer an experience that matters for a 6-months internship in the area of buddy UniCredit.
You will have the opportunity for growth being part of our team, developing the knowledge in data science and artificial intelligence applied to real-world business problems and learning how to interact with a team of highly skilled professionals.