GEOLOG is an independent and privately owned services company with a strong track record of growth and international expansion.
- Specialized in Surface Logging Services for over 30 years
- Present in more than 48 countries
- Approaching 2.000 employees globally
- Average staff age 34 years
- Workforce spanning over 60 nationalities

• To help our clients make quantified, informed, substantial improvements in their drilling efficiency, hydrocarbon detection and reservoir characterization.
• To build a leading edge service company that attracts, develops and retains exceptional people.
• To respect and improve the highest safety and environmental standards whilst actively participating in the development and know-how of the countries in which we operate.

The most common career path starts on the field as a Mud Logger progressing to become Data Engineer and onwards to specialist roles on the field or to our Country, Regional and Corporate Offices.


- Do you have an internationally driven mindset?
- Do you enjoy the idea of having colleagues from all around the world?
- Are you adventurous and you can’t wait to take that next flight?
- Are you flexible and adaptable?
- Do you speak English fluently?

Enter the world of the Oil & Gas business without any previous experience: we train you. New recruits undergo detailed trainings to enhance and further their skills and expertise. Trainings provide basics such as well site geological analysis, hydraulic calculations, sensor calibration, safety and drilling engineering, data acquisition and management systems.
Your career is in your own hands: all promotions are strictly based on performance. Our innovative promotion system is designed to make all promotions absolutely fair and objective, and solely based on your skills and performance
A customized and fast career development that suits your needs and interests. We provide you with advanced courses throughout your career development, to help you reach your professional goals. These courses cover advanced hardware, software and electrical management, gas analysis, pressure analysis and specialist services training. We value your skills and evaluate continuously your potential to give you the challenges you need to fulfill your professional goals.
Work in an incredibly diverse and multicultural environment. When you start working with GEOLOG you can forget about monotony. You will travel the world and contribute to an international team that will greatly expand your horizons.“

“Working for GEOLOG is your chance to meet new people from diffe­rent  nationalities, cultures, and ways of approaching problems.
It’s the best opportunity for you to apply your skills in the real world and become a skilled and fast decision maker.
You will gain and exchange valuable knowledge from your international colleagues and you will even find  yourself learning different languages and discover new amazing areas worldwide”
Marius Cretu, Field Engineer

SettoreElettrico - Elettronico, Energetico, Estrattivo, Impiantistico, Petrolio - Gas
Lauree PreferiteIngegneria, Scientifica
Area GeograficaLombardia
Area di inserimentoProduzione - Tecnica - Qualità, Sistemi Informativi - IT